console, 1-file normal.c normal = Normal map effect Mandelbrot set thx for help:...
Julia set, a Fractals. Here a special colour-mapping method was used. See Mandelbrot inside (64 iters B&W).gif for a description of the method. From a...
(dData, Normal, linear, no, rgbData); Save_PPM(rgbData, Angle, "normal", "Normal mapping or slope"); Fill_rgbData_from_dData (dData, Normal, step_sqrt...
DISPLAY ENVIRONMENT END github : Mandelbrot-set-with-blended-gradients wikibooks : KFMovieMaker English Mandelbrot set with blended gradients potential... m-streching-feigenbaum.c Transform is...
(doi:10.1002/(SICI)1096-9896(199705) 182:1<1::AID-PATH808>3.0.CO;2-B) Mandelbrot BB. 1983 The fractal geometry of nature. New York, NY: W. H. Freeman....
// double reflection; unsigned char iColor; // compute reflection...
// double reflection; unsigned char iColor; // compute reflection...
// double reflection; unsigned char iColor; // compute reflection...
DescriptionNormal Map.png English: Mandelbrot rendered with Lambertian lighting. Something.