DescriptionMeteor burst.jpg English: This picture is of the Alpha-Monocerotid meteor outburst in 1995. The Perseid meteor shower, usually the richest meteor shower...
DescriptionMeteor Burst SNOTEL.jpg English: Meteor burst communications as used by SNOTEL. Français : Propagation radio continentale lorsque le parcours...
jpg. GNU-FDL. (17) GNU-FDL. (18) GNU-FDL...
Figure 6: A collision showing a meteor striking the Earth. (Source:, License: GNU-FDL) Mathematical...
Derivative works of this file: An Old-Fashioned Girl (350).jpg An Old-Fashioned Girl (390).jpg English determination method or standard: SHA-1...
LIBRARY”Remarks concerning stones said to have fallen from the clouds, both in these days and in antient times (IA remarksconcernin00kingiala) (page 4 crop).jpg....
from the pen in the hurry of composiI here isll health andt strength in (jpg I°nng heavenly, glorious hope? Aye !'The voice, Cc'uiovilcdr'eipu>m ?aeiahaSta...
(1903-03-18) ("Jack Wright And His Electric Balloon Ship; Or, 30,000 Leagues Above The Earth") (IA pluck-and-luck-n-250-1903-03-18) (page 1 crop).jpg....
Marie Eugenia von Elsner - Litta, an American singer; a sketch of Marie Eugenia von Elsner (IA littaamericansin00scotiala) (page 8 crop).jpg...
has an extracted image: "FRANCES ROLT-WHEELER" author, book cover from- The boy with the U.S. aviators (IA boywithusaviator00rolt) (page 1 crop).jpg....