DescriptionText box.svg English: Derived from File:U+25A2.svg. For use in {{Images by text}} to replace the raster-ed out File:thewordtext.jpg. Date 16...
English Logo of FOSDEM (with text) described at URL:
(15855 bytes) (Alternate box diagram) Derivative works of this file: Kaon-box-diagram-with-bar.svg SVG development InfoField The SVG code is valid. This...
File:Monoisotopic, mononuclidic, radioactive elements.svg for definition of the @elements array. sub start_box { my $fill=""; $fill=' style="fill:'.$_[2].'"'...
paper with right aligned text. Inspired by File:Format-justify-...svg author name string: BoxOfNotes Wikimedia username: BoxOfNotes URL: https://commons...
paper with center aligned text. Inspired by File:Format-justify-...svg author name string: BoxOfNotes Wikimedia username: BoxOfNotes URL: https://commons...
paper with left aligned text. Inspired by File:Format-justify-...svg author name string: BoxOfNotes Wikimedia username: BoxOfNotes URL: https://commons...
Set viewBox="10040 9900 1820 1287" and add these lines to file:nucleosynthesis_periodic_table.svg: <text x="10950" y="9950" font-weight="bold"...
a clipboard with filled text. Inspired by File:Format-justify-...svg author name string: BoxOfNotes Wikimedia username: BoxOfNotes URL: https://commons...
clipboard with center aligned text. Inspired by File:Format-justify-...svg author name string: BoxOfNotes Wikimedia username: BoxOfNotes URL: https://commons...