DescriptionWest Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881.pdf English: West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 (45 VICT 1881 No 19) Source http://www.nzlii...
DescriptionWest Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment Act 1884.pdf English: West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment Act 1884 (48 VICT...
DescriptionWest Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment Act 1883.pdf English: West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment Act 1883 (47 VICT...
Archive Internet Archive ID: forestgrowthshee15covi described at URL:
Contracts Act 1883 (Local).pdf English: Special Powers and Contracts Act 1883 (Local) (47 VICT 1883 No 27) Source
the Indians of the north-west coast ( ) Author British Columbia. Commission on Condition of Indians of the North-West Coast Wolfenden, Richard Title...
org/download/sim_great-britain-house-of-commons-journal_1881_136_index/sim_great-britain-house-of-commons-journal_1881_136_index.pdf IA contributor: Internet Archive IA digitizing...
domain in the United States//
DescriptionAppropriation Act 1882.pdf English: Appropriation Act 1882 (46 VICT 1882 No 77) Source
DescriptionHistory and Future of our National Wildlife Refuge System.pdf English: The National Wildlife Refuge System is the world’s largest network of...