DescriptionDecorative toilet seat.jpg Toilet seat with decorative design Date 16 October 2005 (original upload date) Source No machine-readable source...
™“‘«"us rows of black sout^hi Emsftsa«Ni6 ^2 11 , PAT. APR.25, i 1893 jpg" Swift and Company, Makers, Chicago i°qI7J7J7l7j7l7.Q.OJJ70...
Commemorating the Louisiana Purchase 1803” “Office of the President” “PAX” art - Official catalogue of exhibitors (IA officialcatalogu01stlo) (page 12 crop).jpg....
DescriptionBury Bolton Street original station seat and the decorative brickwork of the toilet block.jpg English: East Lancashire Railway Date 9 February...
"ROESSLE PREMIUM LAGER" 1915 ad - from Plymouth Theatre "Swank!" and "The Younger Generation" Program (IA plymouththeatres00unse) (page 32 crop).jpg....
children, rabbit fur set, possum fur set and imitation ermine fur set - from, Gimbel holiday book, 1915. (IA gimbelholidayboo00gimb) (page 19 crop).jpg....
This file has an extracted image: Francesca Alexander (page 353 crop).jpg....
stationa waiting room, the seats being sheltered from draughts by 846 STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. (Vol. XXIII. No. 23. wooden screens. Toilet rooms are unnecessary...