Location of Drau river (Drava) , based on File:Donau-Karte.png. English determination method or standard: SHA-1...
Deutsch: 1 Drau, 2 Möll, 3 Lieser, 4 Malta, 5 Tiebel, 6 Gail, 7 Gailitz, 8 Gössering, 9 Vellach, 10 Gurk, 11 Glan, 12 Wimitz, 13 Görtschitz, 14 Metnitz...
Vessel is American Property. I Tlit &vmth Column Co11l,1in, the Feet of the Drau~ht of Water when loaded.-Under the Draught ofWatn, LC for Low l"onutrr.--6K...