English Stripping tobacco, Havana, Cuba Spanish Procesando las hojas de tabaco, La Habana, Cuba...
services. The Havana tobacco, so celebrated all over the world, is grown on thesouth coast, at the extreme west end of the island, on a strip of country...
luxurians. TOBACCO SEED—Brazilian American. The finest Brazilian strain grown here ; makes excel- lent cigars and delightful, aromatic pipe smoking tobacco. Per...
is easily cured to the brightest color. Per oz., 25 cents; per lb., $2. Havana. Seed gathered for us from the celebrated plantations of the " Vuelto de...
heavily manured land; the tobacco worm must be removed as soon as it appears. Prnkt Pr oz Connecticut Seed L,eaf. $0 10 $0 30 Havana 10 40 TOMATO. Sow in hot-beds...