human [[thorax]] to the internal viscera ([[heart]] and [[lung]]s) and [[bone]]s ([[sternum]] and [[rib]]s). From: Public domain 1918 [[Gray's Anatomy]]...
Effects of Tight Lacing on Bony Thorax, 225 66. Corseted Figure, 228 67. Relation of Bony Thorax to Heart, Lungs, Liver, etc., 211 . . ....
request of and variety are deposited in Academy of Sciences, San Mr. GifTard. Aphalara (Anomocera) anomala Crawford, U. Nat. S. Mus. Bui. 85...
x; Fiant Pilulae ter quotidie sumendae. Habeat Julepi Ammoniae Subcarbon, gifs cum Confect. Aromat. 3fs sexta quaque hora. 24th. Bad night; breathing a...
Fiant Pilulse ter quotidie sumenda?. Habeat Julepi Ammonia? Subcarbon. gifs cum Confect. Aromat. 3fs sexta quaque hora. 24th. Bad night; breathing...
%wmi. (Hmmll Uttiw it: litg Jitotg THE GIF OF ...'dJj\,,...]£ .kz5..HSS.%. "B.OUvil SU- It?. mdu-. 357 Cornell University Library 3 1924 031...
cirrhosis of left lung in a girl of fourteen. Dr Gee Op. Gif., Fig. 9, Xormal percussion-dulness of heart, liver, and spleen. Modified from M eil Handhuch und...
Rapidly growing goitre. Painful goitre (4 (5) Goitre extending into the thorax, when delay would make necessary a (1) ^rfully and we no longer grope our...
Section, National Institutes of Health Library during 1964 or were received as gif^ts from other organizations during the year. In order to make this supplement...