DescriptionIPA 114.svg International Phonetic Alphabet – IPA number 114 – Bilabial nasal – font: GentiumAlt Date 22 August 2006 Source Own work Author...
IPA symbol, detail from Image:Ipa-chart-consonants-pulmonic.png, in the w:Gentium typeface, size=22. Original image drawn by User:Nohat. Uploaded to...
etc. saepe et Idfzv^rjig vrjtg cjg ^aoiXrjig, ano Ai&iontjlg UaTa^svg • alias nuUum ejusmodi fundamentum log quia permagna est Graecorum xal...
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agendi. Od. 17, 212: Cf. svd-cc (f(pmc sxixav' vlog y/oUoio MsXayS-svg alyac aymv Sstnvoy H. Ov. per insidias paene Dum Od. For mihi nuper...
Neoto ‘Tiddiipamr Wyvarm: chuiale, 0°... <p ais nergipo os oiniers ai a svg nie tebetts ie ze at New Orleans. Back pay..oe ,eoe woceeeee fe» pisleiey:'s<6...
Dio Chrys. 11, 121. to save appearances. tvq>Tjfx6TaTa hat auch Liban. svg)rf ßxos. yeyiö^at roO evTtpinovs x^P^^y Vergl. ei öi riva ÖBt Sixtfy svTtpSTCijs...
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