DescriptionMinor sixth on C.png English: Created by Hyacinth (talk) 04:01, 8 January 2011 using Sibelius 5. Interval of a minor sixth on C. 12-TET: 800...
Sibelius with midi pitch bend on 64,61 for 792.187500 cents rather than 800. See: [[:Image:Pythagorean minor sixth on C.png]] {{GFDL|migration=relicense}}...
minor sixth on C.png English: Acute minor sixth on C Date 3 September 2014, 19:13:17 Source Own work Author Hyacinth Other versions File:Acute minor sixth...
English: Sixths: Major sixth = C-A = nine semitones Minor sixth = C-A♭ = nine semitones Augmented sixth = C-A♯ = nine semitones Diminished sixth = C-A = nine...
DescriptionPythagorean minor sixth on C.png English: *Pythagorean minor sixth on C = A♭- (Ben Johnston's notation). 128:81 = 792.18 cents. Limit: 3-limit...
See: File:Minor seventh on C.mid Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons using For the Common Good. The original description page was here. All following...
DescriptionSeptimal minor sixth on C.png English: *Septimal minor sixth on C = A♭ (Ben Johnston's notation). 14:9 = 764.92 cents. Limit: 7-limit. Date...
(7582 bytes) Created by ~~~~ using Sibelius 5. See also: [[:File:Minor_6-9_chord_on_C.mid]] {{GFDL-self|migration=relicense}} [[Category:Music images]]...
bytes) Created in Sibelius with midi pitch bend on 58 for 781.25 cents rather than 782.49. New version a P5 on 51,90 for 782.4951171875 cents rather than 782...
bytes) Created in Sibelius. Midi pitch bend on 69 for 815.625 cents rather than 813.69. New version a m6 on 49,68 for 813.6962890625 cents rather than...