DescriptionPrince Yamashiro.jpg Crown Prince Shotoku (574-622), the seventh-century regent, with his two sons. Woodblock Reproduction from the 8th century...
English From Left to Right: The late HI County Mayor Steve Yamashiro, Prince Andrew, Luis Kreckler. determination method or standard: SHA-1 described...
English From Left to Right: The late HI County Mayor Steve Yamashiro, Prince Andrew, Luis Kreckler. determination method or standard: SHA-1 described...
Gonse - L’Art japonais, tome I, 1883 (page 7 crop).jpg...
exhibition of 1895- held in celebration of the eleven hundredth anniversary of the city's existence (IA kyotoindustriale00brinrich) (page 139 crop).jpg...
DescriptionPrince Kazurawara.jpg English: Prince Kazurawara(葛原親王) was a Japanese prince in Heian Period.He was an ancestor of Taira clan. Date published...
DescriptionPrince Kaya.jpg English: Kaya Shin-nō(賀陽親王) was a Japanese politician and court noble in the Heian era. Date published in 1903.3.13 Source...
English: Portrait of Prince Sanehito (or Yōkō-in) Artist 日本語: 不明 English: Unknown Title 日本語: 誠仁親王像(陽光院尊影) English: Portrait of Prince Sanehito (or Yōkō-in)...
Portrait of Prince Hachijō Toshihito (detail) Artist 日本語: 町尻量聡 English: Machijiri Kazufusa Title 日本語: 智仁親王像(部分) English: Portrait of Prince Hachijō Toshihito...