An architectural trefoil -- the double outline of the area of three overlapping circles. This appears in Gothic architecture, and is a minor Christian...
An architectural trefoil -- the double outline of the area of three overlapping circles. This appears in Gothic architecture, and is a minor Christian...
An architectural trefoil combined with an equilateral triangle (outlined version). A traditional Christian Trinitarian symbol. See also File:Kerpen...
overlapping circles. The fourfold version of an architectural trefoil (see [[:Image:Trefoil-Architectural.png]]). Generated by means of the following PostScri...
Image:Quatrefoil-Architectural-alternate.png and Image:Quatrefoil-Architectural-Square.png. The quatrefoil is the fourfold version of an architectural trefoil (see...
DescriptionTrefoil-Architectural-Equilateral-Triangle-interlaced.svg An architectural trefoil combined with an equilateral triangle (interlaced version)...
Image:Quatrefoil-Architectural.png and Image:Quatrefoil-Architectural-Square.png. The quatrefoil is the fourfold version of an architectural trefoil (see...
DescriptionTrefoil-Architectural-Equilateral-Triangle-outlined.svg English: An architectural trefoil combined with an equilateral triangle (outlined version)...
DescriptionTrefoil-Architectural-Equilateral-Triangle-interlaced.png An architectural trefoil combined with an equilateral triangle (interlaced version)...
DescriptionTrefoil-Triquetra.svg An architectural trefoil (i.e. symmetrical pattern of three partially-overlapping circles) which is also a triquetra (i...