DescriptionNl-balans.ogg male voice pronunciation for "balans" . Source Own work Author GerardM...
plant. The amount ~xpended by the United States during the year "·as $1,03G,OGG.42, of which $!)01,V2!).5,'5 was for new "·ol'k (north jetty) and $13-1,136...
AMERICANO par cucire. velacar È manté in filo motallico carte e opuscoli. Ogg mucchinetta lira5. Eactusivo dapasito per Udine e provincia pragao l’ ufllolé...
ü-, iao 6 10, a 7 15 de , den ao Maart 1808. WIöINA VAN KREGTEK, Omrael. &ogg« u- , 119 6 ,6aSapperaeerfter geb. Fabef. 114,116- s is, 18 a I Oidaaifttr...
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