10 Resultaten gevonden voor "Bestand:nl-coëfficiënt.ogg".


DescriptionNl-coëfficiënt.ogg Dutch pronunciation Date 29 October 2013 Source Own work Author Marcel Coenders...


DescriptionNl-Gini-coëfficiënt.ogg wikiwoordenboek Audio Date 18 September 2017 Source Own work Author Marcel coenders...

Bestand:Helium Research Center internal report - compressibility data for helium at 0℗ʻ C and pressures to 800 atmospheres (IA heliumresearchce00brig 0).pdf

i43ae^i<5idAa£8, iXi^sAova ^os^A^iejd at xaasoKoes^.Ai e4^?nATedat<8: o^L^ogg^iUL-- U8«^Ot£‘\o.y^v«l SCI ♦^8iaL'i:«oeoi.\d veoioxsaAii.cc forwi£sa»!k<ai...

Bestand:Turbulence effects on a glow discharge as derived from continuity and energy considerations. (IA turbulenceeffect00oker).pdf

EOR NO = 3.125E20 M EO" -"TV0E6 ""V/n tn .LEGEND. D = TIME ZERO O = -1-OGG-TR A = 2000 TR oo , • j. r^ CD i — — - t^ t- r r^ > ••3GG0-TR-...

Bestand:Large-scale circulation regimes and tropical cyclone characteristics over the western Pacific Ocean. (IA largescalecircul1094539795).pdf

...... .. ... ... .... ... " 0- 0.2 "A7/9-/2 PfOAIIYO EUV /-7/83 Ogg 0 2 00 r (,) 0 ----. ...... .... .. /:: • T..... ... ........ ,.......

Bestand:Data from the optical dynamics experiment (ODEX) - R-V Acania expedition of 10 Oct thru 17 Nov 1982; vol. 1, CTD and optic profiles (IA datafromopticald00stoc).pdf

-Bro wn FS K proto col Out put f r om t he Nei 1-Br own deck un it w as !ogg ed, and a nno ta te d wi th an cilia ry t i me and loc at io n data, us i...

Bestand:Journal of agricultural economics research (IA CAT88887632024).pdf

473 In (3.57) R2 = (Q»'‘'®)_4 + .306 (7.15) DW .87; (piab/pwc) + ogg (-.48) oi2 SINl + .010 (1.10) DUMgg 2 - -460 COSl (.93) DUMgg ^ (-8...

Bestand:A gamma ray moments computer code, GAMM0M-I (IA gammaraymomentsc766eise).pdf

(E) n . n-0 are a set of coefficients that can be generated by recursion: where C n-t C with C and the C i nl -jhn^l+l K-l,l + 0l = V +...

Bestand:A theory of wavelength dependence in ultrahigh frequency transhorizon propagation based on meteorological considerations (IA jresv64Dn3p231).pdf

6); Bcll Systcm Tcch. J . 36,627 (1957); abo A. B . Crawfo rd , D . C. f-l ogg, a nd W. [1. I\:ulll lll{'r, Bcll S.I's t CIll T cc h. J. 38, 1067 (1959)...

Bestand:Collected papers on acoustics (IA collectedpaperso00sabi).pdf

and spread along the front row of seats; sound, diminished in tlie J''ogg the duration of audiltilily of the residual llic inl iddiiclioii of lliis...