DescriptionNl-floot af.ogg Dutch pronunciation Date 2 November 2013 (upload date) Source Own work Author Marcel coenders...
piogońnql, Le ситАб б’г) 5-0ро1бе, lê Ар Ml А öe1è гАоп. СрА БефеАй luèc floot@ bo él1û ]1~ bo бета, ca le11 cluń, mop 61А6А1щбе A15 смееАб ô bopb-¿ear...
ftanding ft.l the clofcd ayrc,doiii brccdc loTc^Uoc* CThc flrcamc or floot^, which runneth yp Ind downe, I J far more fwecte then , i j the ftanding...