DescriptionNl-niks.ogg English: pronunciation niks Date 17 December 2010 Source Own work Author Jcwf...
DescriptionNl-nik.ogg Dutch pronunciation for "nik" — male voice. Date 2 May 2015 Source Own work Author marcel coenders...
DescriptionNl-op niks trekken.ogg Nederlands: Wikiwoordenboek audio Date 5 February 2023 Source Own work Author Marcel coenders...
ag@tom k 32.d e > H el fe r: Stand d ie s e r Aus gab e : .M ai 2005 ISSN (O nl ine -Aus gab e ): 1613-7752 W e b s e ite : h ttp://d e .w ik ipe d
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de- se Ea Porti. ‘Direzione cd, ‘Axiministrazione Pidzza Patriaronto NL bi DDpiano. c SEITE a? cala erapi ME daga dalaDance ria "ongoa DI im od...
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worden en zo konden wetenschappers niks vinden dat de bron van al die stenen kon zijn. Ook met de Viking Orbiters werd niks gevonden. De wetenschapper Alexis...
Conosasione,lognimo simelghosl;: melghesi gartolina a 10, rapprosantanuna do nl- suntlvi — { fasti del (8931895 ed comodae rapida ' oo lutque mente ‘’Raminzzcco...
the polls work of- Ghristuutixatioa. The thirst for pot laide* was mru-ogg in every In dian mh! it was impossible to do any thing with thtriu. It...