DescriptionNl-utiliseer.ogg Wikiwoordenboek audio Date 26 January 2019 Source Own work Author Marcel coenders...
en Geluid / NOS; + Tropenmuseum logo; CC BY-SA;...
grapefruit juice and segments, spinach, "both fresh and processed, peanut butter, oggs, and turkeys. As we have pointed out before, there is a bunper crop of citrus...
(1211). All it can do is to remain behind an entrenchment and use its (lOGG), missile weapons. § 3. The THE INTFvODCCTION OF FIREARMS shapeless...
permission to trade with Eussia; and similar inis,sions visited Moscow in 15G3, lOGG, and 1583. Kor were these the only successes towards the East which Ivan...