DescriptionPassamezzo and Romanesca.png English: Passamezzo and Romanesca melodic formula. Created by Hyacinth (talk) 15:31, 13 July 2010 using Sibelius...
(47054 bytes) Treble clef to parallel Passamezzo antico. 2013-12-06 00:40 Hyacinth 2150×1199× (42285 bytes) 1st and 2nd voices. 2013-12-05 07:59 Hyacinth...
DescriptionPassamezzo and Romanesca.mid English: Passamezzo and Romanesca melodic formula. Date 13 July 2010 (original upload date) Source Own work Author...
talk:Hyacinth|talk]]) 21:12, 13 July 2010 using Sibelius 5. Romanesca chord progression. See: [[:Image:Romanesca.png]] {{GFDL-self|migration=relicense}} [[Category:MIDI...
DescriptionPassamezzo antico.png English: Passamezzo antico. Created by Hyacinth (talk) 09:51, 12 December 2010 using Sibelius 5. Date 12 December 2010...
DescriptionPassamezzo moderno.mid English: Passamezzo moderno: Gregory Walker root progression with melodic/top voice from the Romanesca. Date 9 June...
(original upload date) Source Own work Author Created by Hyacinth (talk) 07:18, 11 June 2010 using Sibelius 5. Other versions Image:Passamezzo_antico.png...
DescriptionDarling Nelly Gray page 1.png English: "Darling Nelly Gray", page one. Created by Hyacinth (talk) 03:30, 6 June 2011 (UTC) using Sibelius 5...
DescriptionGregory Walker root progression.PNG English: Gregory Walker root progression Date 12 December 2010 (original upload date) Source Assumed transcription...
DescriptionAmerican Gregory Walker root progression.PNG English: American Gregory Walker root progression Date 9 March 2005, 18:06 Source Transferred...