1798-1848 Title Thirty years from home; or A voice from the main deck being the experience of Samuel Leech, who was for six years in the British and...
1798-1848 Title Thirty years from home, or A voice from the main deck; being the experience of Samuel Leech, who was for six years in the British and...
Leech, Samuel Title Thirty years from home; or, a voice from the main deck : being the experience of Samuel Leech who was for six years in the British and...
English Thirty-five years in the East by Johann Martin Honigberger...
was about seventy-five years old and had driven stage from this place to Binghamton almost continuously for thirty-six years, carrying passengers and...
Mrs. Christiana Harwood who has made her home at Jordan for the past thirty-five years, died at the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. M. A. Harwood...
Miller, Dies At Home In West Bedford. After suffering for the past two years from Bright's disease, Samuel Miller, aged 61, died at his home near West Bedford...
"The Home of the Thirty Queens of King Mango Bell". Photograph by Richard Harding Davis, c. 1902. At this time, the king of the Duala Bell lineage was...
was held Thursday, at 2 P.M. from the home of D. O. Fry, at Lewis Center, which has been his home during recent recent years. Interment was made in Turbotville...
at his late home on Sunday night following an illness of more than two years. He was 67 years old. Mr. Kohlman came to this country from France where...