Description二-order.gif English: This 二-order.gif image is depicting the stroke order of the character 二 (the traditional Kangxi radical 007) in order.gif style...
Description二-order (Sans-serif).gif English: This 二-order (Sans-serif).gif image is depicting the stroke order of the character 二 in order (Sans-serif).gif style...
Description二-bw.png English: This 二-bw.png image is depicting the stroke order of the character 二 (the traditional Kangxi radical 007) in bw.png style...
Description二-red.png English: This 二-red.png image is depicting the stroke order of the character 二 in red.png style. This image is part of the “CJK Stroke...
probably centuries. each of these civilizations possesses pecul- iarly valuable gif}.s, which have been produced by the interactions of peoples and environing...
dress competitions, oratorical competions and singing competitions. tur&(y)gif(gri)<oMrr^T c3tb(srtuu)uxsunn ®u)uniil6<Q^d&u)2011 Every Sunday 4.00 -...
DescriptionDepartment of Philosophy, Graduates, 1918.gif 中文:1918年,蔡元培等与文科哲学门第二次毕业生合影。前排左四至左七为马叙伦、蔡元培、陈独秀、梁漱溟。二排左四为冯友兰。 Date 1918 Source
Peking University, 1921.gif English: Society for Research in Marxism, Peking University, 1921 中文:北京大学马克思学说研究会1921年合影。前排左二范鸿劼,左五何孟雄,左六黄日葵;后排左七邓中夏。 Date...
Peking University, 1937.gif English: Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University 中文:1937年,北京大学中文系教授与毕业生合影。前排左二起:何容、郑奠、罗常培、胡适、郑天挺、魏建功、唐兰...