Title The Sea-Serpent passing under the stern of the Daedalus Description One of the original illustrations of the Daedalus sea serpent of 1848. Source:...
stated Title The Sea-Serpent when first seen from H.M.S. Daedalus Description The sea serpent spotted by the crew of HMS Daedalus in 1848 Date 1887 date...
October 1848. page 265 Description English: Illustration for The Illustrated London News, 28 October 1848. page 265 Head of the Sea-serpent seen by Capt...
Sea-Serpent Description English: The Great Sea-Serpent. Illustration for The Illustrated London News, 28 October 1848. Polski: Ilustracje przedstawiające węża...
sea serpent. The sea serpent when first seen from H(er) M(ajesty's) S(hip) DAEDALUS LCCN2003680172.jpg English: Title: The great sea serpent. The sea...
sea serpent. The sea serpent when first seen from H(er) M(ajesty's) S(hip) DAEDALUS LCCN2003680172.tif English: Title: The great sea serpent. The sea...
surface of the sea.jpg Henry Lee suggested the giant squid as an explanation for the "sea serpent" seen by the crew of the HMS Daedalus in 1848. Date 1883...
ae2ffd7e27a75afed438acde4212fb4c (1).jpg Português: HMS daedalus em 1848 English: Sea Serpent Sighted by HBMS Daedalus, from Gleason's Pictorial Date 3 July...