DescriptionDe-Muskel.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German term "Muskel", IPA: /ˈmʊskl̩/, meaning muscle. Male voice, recorded by native German...
DescriptionDe-Muskels.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Muskels", IPA: [ˈmʊskl̩s]. Male voice, recorded by native German...
) Title Archiv für Physiologie Volume Jahrg.1897 Publisher Berlin [etc.] de Gruyter [etc.] Description Supplements accompany most volumes Subjects: Language...
0|i(>t-alioiieii bei der Uariiveiballung Punctio vesicao ... Seitß 0Ö2 OGG 0G7 !)72 1(7:^ !)74 üTO !t75 EINLEITUNG. Begriff einer cliirurgisciien...
Lidapparate des Elefanten. Anat. 1914. Anz. Bd. 46 p. 273—279, 1 Taf, [Neuer Muskel Musculus glandulae tem1913. puralis.] 9.61 Elephas : 15.6 Jonrn. Bombay...