10 "Ficheiro:Ingersollism_in_its_true_colors".

Ficheiro:Ingersollism in its true colors;.. (IA ingersollisminit00rubi).pdf

Ingersollism in its true colors;..   (  ) Author Rubi, M. [from old catalog] Title Ingersollism in its true colors;.. Publisher [n.p.] Description Subjects:...

Ficheiro:Mistakes of Ingersoll and his answers complete (IA mistakesofingers00mccl 0).pdf

Mistakes of Ingersoll and his answers complete   (  ) Author McClure, J. B. (James Baird), 1832-1895 Swing, David, 1830-1894 Title Mistakes of Ingersoll and his...

Ficheiro:Review of Colonel R. G. Ingersoll's attacks upon Christianity.. (IA reviewofcolonelr00bert).pdf

R. G. Ingersoll's attacks upon Christianity..   (  ) Author Bertron, Ottilie, Mrs. [from old catalog] Title Review of Colonel R. G. Ingersoll's attacks...

Ficheiro:Review of Colonel R. G. Ingersoll's attacks upon Christianity. .. (IA reviewofcolonel00bert).pdf

G. Ingersoll's attacks upon Christianity. ..   (  ) Author Bertron, Ottilie, Mrs. [from old catalog] Title Review of Colonel R. G. Ingersoll's attacks...

Ficheiro:Mistakes of Ingersoll...including Ingersoll's lecture on the "Mistakes of Moses" .. (IA mistakesofinger00mccl).pdf

Mistakes of Ingersoll...including Ingersoll's lecture on the "Mistakes of Moses" ..   (  ) Author McClure, J. B., [from old catalog] ed Title Mistakes...

Ficheiro:Mistakes of Ingersoll, as shown (IA mistakesingersol00mccliala).pdf

Mistakes of Ingersoll, as shown   (  ) Author McClure, J. B. (James Baird), 1832-1895 Swing, David, 1830-1894 Title Mistakes of Ingersoll, as shown Publisher...

Ficheiro:The mistakes of Robert G. Ingersoll, on nature and God (IA mistakesofrobert00edge).pdf

of Robert G. Ingersoll, on nature and God   (  ) Author Edgett, George W. [from old catalog] Title The mistakes of Robert G. Ingersoll, on nature and...

Ficheiro:Ingersoll's mistakes about Moses (IA ingersollsmistak00dung).pdf

Ingersoll's mistakes about Moses   (  ) Author Dungan, David R. [from old catalog] Title Ingersoll's mistakes about Moses Publisher [n.p.] Description...

Ficheiro:Ingersoll rhymings (microform) (IA cihm 01329).pdf

Ingersoll rhymings [microform]   (  ) Author Grigg, Richard Title Ingersoll rhymings [microform] Publisher [Ingersoll, Ont.? : s.n.] Description Filmed...

Ficheiro:Ingersoll's new departure (IA ingersollsnewdep00mccl).pdf

Ingersoll's new departure   (  ) Author McClure, James Baird, 1832-1895, [from old catalog] ed Swing, David, 1830-1894. [from old catalog] Courtney, Frederick...