DescriptionLazurite (Afghanistan) 7.jpg cristal de lazurite (=lapis-lazuli) sur gangue Date 29 October 2007 Source collection perso. Author Géry Parent...
DescriptionLazurite, calcite.jpg Français : cristaux de lazurite : Sar-e-Sang, Koksha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan English: crystals of lazurite : Sar-e-Sang...
DescriptionLazurite in pyritic marble (Badakhshan, Afghanistan) (49166882696).jpg Lazurite in pyritic marble from the Precambrian of Afghanistan. (public...
(Badakshan; Badahsan) Province, Afghanistan (Locality at Size: 4.7 x 3.7 x 2.8 cm. A fine and aesthetic lazurite specimen from the Marty Zinn...
Badakhshan (Badakshan; Badahsan) Province, Afghanistan (Locality at Size: miniature, 3.5 x 2.4 x 1.7 cm Lazurite (Lapis) pseudomorphing after Muscovite...
(Badakshan; Badahsan) Province, Afghanistan (Locality at Size: 5.5 x 5.5 x 2.5 cm. A sharp, 1.8 cm, dark royal-blue lazurite crystal perched atop contrasting...
(Badakshan; Badahsan) Province, Afghanistan (Locality at A wonderfully sharp and finely-articulated crystal of lazurite, sitting right up on the...
DescriptionLazurite-177793.jpg English: Lazurite Locality: Ladjuar Medam (Lajur Madan; Lapis-lazuli Mine), Sar-e-Sang District, Koksha Valley (Kokscha;...
Badakhshan (Badakshan; Badahsan) Province, Afghanistan (Locality at Size: 3.2 x 2.1 x 1.8 cm. A fine lazurite specimen from the Steve Smale Collection...
Badakhshan (Badakshan; Badahsan) Province, Afghanistan (Locality at Size: 3.6 x 2.2 x 1.8 cm. Lazurite is the true name for lapis lazuli (there...