DescriptionPolitical map of Canada sr.png Српски / srpski: Мапа Канаде са приказом њених десет покрајина и три територије и њеном пријестоницм. (Ламбертова...
Times (1921-07-12) Publisher University of Victoria Description Historic newspaper from British Columbia - Canada Subjects: British Columbia; Newspapers...
Author by M. Smith. Title A geographical view of the province of Upper Canada and promiscuous remarks of the government [microform] : in two parts with...
History of the United States, or, Republic of America ( ) Author Willard, Emma, 1787-1870 Title History of the United States, or, Republic of America...
meminisse horret ... ' Filmed from a copy of the original publication held by the National Library of Canada 43 Subjects: Head, Francis B. (Francis Bond)...
Times (1925-08-05) Publisher University of Victoria Description Historic newspaper from British Columbia - Canada Subjects: British Columbia; Newspapers...
Times (1924-09-02) Publisher University of Victoria Description Historic newspaper from British Columbia - Canada Subjects: British Columbia; Newspapers...
Times (1921-08-19) Publisher University of Victoria Description Historic newspaper from British Columbia - Canada Subjects: British Columbia; Newspapers...
675-676 ommitted Errata Filmed from a copy of the original publication held by the National Archives of Canada [26], 752, [21] p. [i.e. 802 p.] ; 30 cm...
proof of progress ( ) Author Pan Motor Company (Saint Cloud, Minn.) Title Pictorial proof of progress Publisher Saint Cloud Description Part of illustrative...