English Portrait of Prince James Francis Edward Stuart (French School)...
James Bowdoin III-Edward Greene Malbone (page 172 crop).jpg...
Early American portrait painters in miniature ( ) Author Theodore Bolton Title Early American portrait painters in miniature Publisher New York, F...
Windows on the past : portraits at the Essex Institute ( ) Author 1906-1981. Andrew Oliver Title Windows on the past : portraits at the Essex Institute...
Edward Augustus Holyoke, 1728-1829. Oil, by James Frothingham, 1819(page 196 crop).jpg...
A portrait catalogue of the books published by Houghton, Mifflin and company; with a sketch of the firm, brief descriptions of the various departments...
Edward Howard, 9th Duke of Norfolk (page 145 crop).jpg...
Mrs. Richard Worsam Meade (Margaret Coats Butler) by George A. Baker Jr. after Gilbert Stuart (page 257 crop).jpg...
This file has an extracted image: Nicholas crisp - cornelius jansen (page 216 crop).jpg....