8 "Fișier:Soviet_empire_1960.png".

Fișier:Soviet empire 1960.png

This .PNG map was based in the rasterized version of File:Spain_(orthographic_projection).svg. Please feel free to improve it. I, the copyright holder...

Fișier:CSI timeline.png

1961 The CIA Under Truman Venona: Soviet Espionage and the American Response, 1939-1959 Selected Estimates on the Soviet Union 1950-1959 Sign, North Building...

Fișier:Unlocking Indian maritime strategy (IA unlockingindimar109452375).pdf

defense treaty with the Soviet Union in 1971. The signing of the defense treaty with the Soviet Union placed India in the Soviet corner and thereby limited...


Note: This is a photograph taken around 1900 of a woman who died in 1960, well before 1973. English...

Fișier:Алексей Васильевич Крисанов.png

Николаев. Кулебакские металлисты в революционном движении. — Горький: Горьковское книжное издательство, 1960. — С. 15, 16, 20. — 93 с. Author Unknown...

Fișier:Степан Кузьмич Догадин.png

the historical heir but not legal successor of the Russian Empire, and the Russian Empire was not party to the Berne Convention (it was not country of...

Fișier:Грабарь Игорь Эммануилович.png

DescriptionГрабарь Игорь Эммануилович.png Русский: Игорь Эммануилович Грабарь (1871—1960) — русский и советский живописец, реставратор, искусствовед, теоретик...

Fișier:Грабарь. По Северной Двине. Погост в Сольвычегодском уезде.png

Grabar  (1871–1960)       Alternative names English: Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar Русский: Игорь Эммануилович Грабарь Description Russian-Soviet painter, museologist...