(English) Compus din prefixul dis- + taste. AFI: /dɪs'teɪst/ distaste, (nenumărabil) dezgust, aversiune, antipatie (pentru, față de) dislike distasteful...
(English) (înv.) distastefull Compus din distaste + -ful. AFI: /dɪs'teɪstfəl/ distasteful (comp. more distasteful, sup. most distasteful) dezgustător...
toward talking about this matter. aversion, contrariety, disgust, dislike, distaste, enmity, hatred, ill will, opposition, repugnance sympathy antipathetic...
friend was palpable; you could feel how much he now hated him. revulsion, distaste, detestation, dislike, hatred loathe loathsome Dictionary.com Merriam-Webster...
repulsie With an air of disgust, she stormed out of the room. aversion, distaste, repulsion, revulsion disgustful disgusting disgustingly a (se) dezgusta...