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work, hereby publish it under the following license: English B flat major pentatonic scale. French Gamme pentatonique de si bémol majeur. URL: https://commons...
understood in German. 2.) The scale is more like the normal B-flat major scale on the first frets, as the key of A-major. Bb-shape is better for the systematology...
transform=\"scale(" << 0.5 * image_size; cout << ", " << -0.5 * image_size << ") translate(1, -1)\">\n"; } void end_svg_file() { cout << " </g>\n</svg>\n"; }...
org/wiki/File:Hazard_O.svg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hazard_T.svg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:High_voltage_warning.svg. Public Domain,GNU-FDL...
bottomlands, and m 2 and — Ma- (700 tidal flats. Max- project. Peleliu and Angaur, the two major islands Much of the (table 4). native vegetation...
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/Brosen_windrose.svg/600pxBrosen_windrose.svg.png, License: GNU Free Documentation) A compass needle aligns...
with exciting features like dualscreen editing and SVG import. Harnesses the awesome power of SVG to generate tiles for seamless patterns. http://www...
K.R. Lykke, R. Gupta, U. Arp, and T.B. Lucatorto, SR199: Eleventh ence, “The New DUV Spectral Responsivity Scale Based on Cryogenic Radiometry at SURF...
File:Dirty_dishes.jpg ● File:Disassembled-rubix-1.jpg ● File:Dumps_logo_black_and_white.svg ● File:Gojira_1954_Japanese_poster.jpg ● File:Grand_Bazaar_Qarqan_Xinjia...