DescriptionSv-Åbo.ogg Turku (Åbo) pronounced in Swedish. Uploaded and recorded by karmosin (native speaker). Date 29 March 2005 (original upload date)...
rainuto, wo talked about ogg« last weok* Aad wa'll do NOUJICBRi -;ore talking you r«ffi«ibQr« Thtt first, l.?t'E covn* abo'^it egj^t n«xt woek...
of tho Sc^jno grade, 1/hen is a fresh egg? ilot necessarily a nov;ly laid ogg. If eggs are not gath- orod ci_uickly and cooled innediatoly, the q_ualities...
®3^)jij®10(S(2o, gj0o*slcQ)tSOT)0, ra° a® ag)airro>eene4aiooQnac9fi)Ogg(S§, £\&<^ gsflm r, i aa0(nTlQg]i2ioej«c£!)o, cnQ^Sioa^smo^ clQ) csciD§o...
: All farm products Meat an impels Grains Dairy products Chickens and oggs 1932 : 1939 61 53 kl 72 77 I^tio of prices received to prices paid living...
aTO'iTftl_JL_$_. If I do never fo little amifs, rprp rarer rar rar # rar gar LJ Ogg& jLp'LJ raft ggQT g5D PQ j LD . Do not take it amifs, UIB>T [ff f Q & rj‘...
juacr^ the Unguals cr, Trocrt (5, ^, r, <^ are dropped for ttXtjOgg), ttXtjgo) ; ; as, for for adjiiarai. crw- ; for apTrdfcra), dprrdao)...
blacl~ defPal Ne"· y or k , F e b . 5 , 19 19• In Issoudun. at night, we wove Oggs: "\\'hy does Lootna Loth caJI that column 'Sawdust'? Th t chap who wrote:...
percepiscono per questo ce,, avere un fondo ,^i .soert)» dì, L. SpPipsr -d'.ogg'.,.au cui vi, furunu introdotti oirqa .ma^^i BpTSEtt, ,^1^. Crijoe 'di MBU»...
Eienbclfe. [Goilttrind. Acquittance, <t^Evitt<tlt8z ei^ 'Acre, ccElec•/ eii S)ogg ifilco' nin^, et ^longg £«nb out S^f^t^cit, 484'oQoabrat Slavv^^/ g^ntb til...