1931 price list--peonies ; 1931 price list--irises / Northbrook Gardens, Incorporated ; Paul L. Battey, pres. ( ) Author Northbrook Gardens Title 1931...
Puget Sound Peony Gardens : 1931 price list. ( ) Author Puget Sound Peony Gardens Title Puget Sound Peony Gardens : 1931 price list. Series title Henry...
Tingle's wholesale price list peonies : fall 1931 ( ) Author Tingle Nursery Company Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Title...
1931 wholesale price list of Lilium Regale, Lilium Tenuifolium, bulbs and seeds and peonies ( ) Author Glendale Farm & Garden, author Title 1931 wholesale...
Peonies and iris, 1931 [price list] / H.F. Chase. ( ) Author H.F. Chase (Firm) Title Peonies and iris, 1931 [price list] / H.F. Chase. Series title...
price list, spring and fall 1931 ; Peony list, fall 1931 / LeGron Floral Co. ; W.R. LeGron, prop. ( ) Author LeGron Iris Gardens Title Iris price list...
Price list, spring 1931 / J.F. Munsell, grower of peonies and gladioli. ( ) Author J.F. Munsell (Firm) Title Price list, spring 1931 / J.F. Munsell...
Price list of peonies and iris / grown by L.D. Baker Peony Gardens. ( ) Author L.D. Baker Peony Gardens Title Price list of peonies and iris / grown...
Price list of the better class of peonies, including many standard varieties : list of peonies for 1925 / Lindenhurst Peony and Iris Gardens ; George...
Wholesale price list : fall 1931, spring 1932 / Phil Lutz Peony Farms. ( ) Author Phil Lutz Peony Farms Title Wholesale price list : fall 1931, spring...