Title Historical and Literary Memoirs and Anecdotes; selected from the Correspondence of Baron de Grimm and Diderot, with the Duke of Saxe-Gotha and many...
Title Historical and Literary Memoirs and Anecdotes; selected from the Correspondence of Baron de Grimm and Diderot, with the Duke of Saxe-Gotha and many...
Title Historical and Literary Memoirs and Anecdotes; selected from the Correspondence of Baron de Grimm and Diderot, with the Duke of Saxe-Gotha and many...
Title Historical and Literary Memoirs and Anecdotes; selected from the Correspondence of Baron de Grimm and Diderot, with the Duke of Saxe-Gotha and many...
Memoirs of a Literary Veteran Including Sketches and Anecdotes of the Most Distinguished Literary Characters from 1794-1849 in 3 Vols.(Vol.III ) ( )...
Memoirs of a Literary Veteran Including Sketches and Anecdotes of the Most Distinguished Literary Characters from 1794-1849 in 3 Vols.(Vol.II ) ( )...
Memoirs, Anecdotes, Facts, And Opinions, In 2 Vols ( ) Author Hawkins Laetitia-matildu Ed Title Memoirs, Anecdotes, Facts, And Opinions, In 2 Vols...
of the Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland; comprising Literary Memoirs and Anecdotes of their Lives and a Chronological Register of their Publications...
Historical memoirs of my own time ( ) Author Wraxall, Nathaniel William, Sir, 1751-1831 Title Historical memoirs of my own time Publisher Philadelphia...
Historical memoirs of my own time ( ) Author Wraxall, Nathaniel William, Sir, 1751-1831 Title Historical memoirs of my own time Volume 1 Publisher...