0falsefalse The Illustrated Frontispiece shortens this to The Complete Works of Robert Burns Illustrated, and the spine reads "Burns's Works" English determination...
The Works of the British Poets ( ) Author Geoffrey Chaucer Editor Ezekiel Sanford Title The Works of the British Poets Subtitle with Lives of the...
English Frontispiece from 'The Poetical Works of Elijah Fenton, published in 1779, as part of Bell's Edition of 'The Poets of Great Britain'...
The Works of the British Poets ( ) Author Edmund Spenser Editor Ezekiel Sanford Title The Works of the British Poets Subtitle with Lives of the Authors...
The Works of the British Poets ( ) Author William Shakespeare and Ben Jonson Editor Ezekiel Sanford Title The Works of the British Poets Subtitle with...
The Works of the British poets. With prefaces, biographical and critical ( ) Author Anderson, Robert, 1750-1830 Horace. [Works. English] Ovid, 43 B...
The works of the British poets; including the most esteemed translations from Greek and Roman authors ( ) Author Park, Thomas, 1759-1834 Title The...
The works of the British poets; including the most esteemed translations from Greek and Roman authors ( ) Author Park, Thomas, 1759-1834 Title The...
The cabinet of poetry : containing the best entire pieces to be found in the works of the British poets ( ) Title The cabinet of poetry : containing...
The works of the British poets; including the most esteemed translations from Greek and Roman authors ( ) Author Park, Thomas, 1759-1834 Title The...