created with MuseScore, cropped with LibreOffice Draw, and optimized with SVG Optimizer. To recreate the file Trill notation.mscx, just copy and paste...
created with MuseScore, cropped with LibreOffice Draw, and optimized with SVG Optimizer. To recreate the file Trill notation.mscx, just copy and paste...
= "trill" \score{ { \override Staff.TimeSignature.transparent = ##t \time 2/4 \clef treble c''8 b'16 a'16 b'4-+ c''4 } } 133 1 21 22 226 71 Trill notation...
created with MuseScore, cropped with LibreOffice Draw, and optimized with SVG Optimizer. To recreate the file Trill notation.mscx, just copy and paste...