DescriptionDe-Rad fährt.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "Rad fährt", IPA: /ˈʁaːt ˈfɛːɐ̯t/. Male voice, recorded by native...
DescriptionDe-Rad fahrt.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "Rad fahrt", IPA: /ˈʁaːt ˈfaːɐ̯t/. Male voice, recorded by native...
Abfahrt 0'35 - 0'55 Fahrt aufwärts im Tunnel, zwischen Mauern und mit starker Steigung (tief dröhnend) 0'55 Fahrt mit holperndem Rad und entsprechend knarrender...
DescriptionDe-fährt Rad.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "fährt Rad", IPA: /ˌfɛːɐ̯t ˈʁaːt/. Male voice, recorded by native...
DescriptionDe-fahrt Rad.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "fahrt Rad", IPA: /ˌfaːɐ̯t ˈʁaːt/. Male voice, recorded by native...
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