0×0× (3753 bytes) Moved original high-res signature to Wikimedia Commons as "lloyd_alexander_signature.png". Reduced file to 363x110 and uploaded this...
org/details/cu31924021847664 EITE t WALTOn. TO ^ W. A. DOW, OF Png's im| TBMP E S Q., ' I,E Malk, ; THESE PAGES AKE INSCRIBED AS A TESTIMONT...
party. U you deduct out of the total the numbers of the old (Concluded on pngs ST) The total Immigration during the month was 3290, as against 2183 in...
to I*- u.i a hitrator of th* , Anglo-Belgian wife renew coiwe'rning the-('png'*. arid that lli • Ear uerur willa* both <•*• niia.nr and r . -i, f 1 11...
Saasatoom. Sat SkreenmnoeMT, Soldier SattfcRwet Boerd, ft-prdw Beildieg, PngWC* Albsbt. Saar. SorauxTRMMirr. Soldier Sttflffl Boerd, Kedertee Building...