1319×1686× (416827 bytes) {{Information |Beschreibung = Innenansicht Hamburger Rathaus |Quelle = Privatarchiv |Urheber = Michael J. Zirbes |Datum = Mitte 2007...
2851 58 181 363 5184 3456 St. Katharinen This is a photograph of an architectural monument. It is on the list of cultural monuments of Hamburg, no. 11872...
289 361 27 181 452 696 This is a photograph of an architectural monument. It is on the list of cultural monuments of Hamburg, no. 43217. English object...
This file has an extracted image: Museumskunde. Bd. 001, 1905 (title page).jpg....
This file has an extracted image: Kunstchronik 1892-10-20 (example cover page).jpg....
Farbiges Einſchaltbild ... zw. 22/23 13. Dünenlandſchaft bei Boberg unweit Hamburg ... 25 14. Sachſenwaldrand ... 27 15. Harburger Geeſtlandſchaft am Kiekeberge...