Description1931–32 FBC Juventus.jpg The first-team squad of Foot-Ball Club Juventus for the 1931–32 season. From left to right: Pedro Sernagiotto "Ministrinho"...
English Foot-Ball Club Juventus (1930s) - Raimundo Orsi Italian Foot-Ball Club Juventus (Anni 30) - Raimundo Orsi...
Maglio - FBC Juventus 1931-32.jpg Italiano: Il calciatore argentino Juan José Maglio alla Juventus nella stagione 1931-32. Date between 1931 and 1932...
Description1931–32 FBC Juventus - Orsi, Vecchina, Munerati.jpg Turin (Italy), Campo Juventus ("Juventus Ground"), May 1, 1932. From left to right: F.B.C. Juventus' footballers...
Description1931–32 FBC Juventus - Cesarini, Sernagiotto, Combi, Caligaris and Maglio.jpg From left to right: F.B.C. Juventus' footballers Renato Cesarini...
DescriptionJuventus celebrations for the 1931–32 Serie A title.jpg Turin, Campo Juventus ("Juventus Ground"), May 29, 1932. At the end of the home victory...
Rosetta - FBC Juventus.jpg Italian footballer Virginio Rosetta with FBC Juventus in the 1st half of the 1930s, poses outside the Juventus Ground ("Campo...
DescriptionFBC Juventus 1930-31.jpg A line-up of F.B.C. Juventus in the 1930–31 season. From left to right, standing: G. Ferrari, G. Combi, G. Vecchina...
DescriptionFBC Juventus - 1932 - Federico Munerati.jpg Turin (Italy), Campo Juventus ("Juventus Ground"), May 1, 1932. F.B.C. Juventus' footballer Federico...
DescriptionFBC Juventus - 1932 - Orsi, Vecchina, Munerati.jpg Turin (Italy), Campo Juventus ("Juventus Ground"), May 1, 1932. From left to right: F.B.C. Juventus'...