article |title= American Black Vulture |time= 22:39 |user_name= PopularOutcast |date= 2008-06-11 |oldid=218705355 |accent= General American / Cuban S English...
^^ ^^y•^ Not a Crow, American Criticism, ' Z\Q ogg Crow, A Trick of the Crow, Florida Cruising and Science Cuckoo, Black-blUed Cuckoo, Yellow-billed...
species of South-American 1' birds 18 Observations on two forms of Gymnopelia Description of new forms of South-American Commxmication of descriptions...
Primrose Hill, IST.W. Ghizeh Zoological Gardens, Cairo, Egypt. PoRBES, Henry Ogg, LL.D. Director of Public Museums, Liverpool. S. S. ; ; Poster, PowLER...
XXXII - XXXIV.) 6. A Note 354 upon the Tongue and Windpipe of the American Vultures, with Remarks on the Interrelations of the Genera Sarcorhanijihus...
Lionel 1884. Forbes, ; ; Indian Museum, Calcutta, Kandy, Ceylon. Hknry Ogg, LL.D., F.Z.S. Free Public Museums, ; Liverpool. 1880. Foster, William;...
1886. Harold Stuart Ferguson, Lieut. Nair Brigade Travancore. 1884. Henry Ogg Forbes, F.Z.S. New church, The ; W. W. Fowler, M.A. Hill, Witley,...
alligator—Duck-shooting—Moyne, and the Falls—A nocttuyal contort—Blue Macaws—Turtles' oggs-4 slight acoi.. . . - 50 clont--Caimbilities of the country—Return to Part%...
Election. 95 1890. Fisher, Lionel; Kandj', Ceylon. 1884. Forbes, Hknry Ogg, LL.D., F.Z.S. Free Public Museums, : Liverpool. 1880. Foster, William...
—Bird of Washington. —Eagle Traps. —Feathers Prized 93 - Chapter VII. Vultures — Strength Serpents. — Hawks Bustards — Value — Loathsome feeders —...