English Data processing plan for the Solar Maximum Mission applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method: work of the federal...
revised recommended plan documentation report – Appendix A, annex A-3 Subtitle English: LOWRP final revised PIR and supplemental EIS [for state and agency...
Watershed Restoration Project (LOWRP) revised recommended plan documentation report – Appendix A, annex A-3 ( ) Title English: Lake Okeechobee Watershed Restoration...
development of SMMS : a case study. ( ) Author Broadwater, David G.;Haga, William James. Title The obstacles encountered in the development of SMMS : a case...
Source Internet Archive identifier: ehrinsights2june2011 https://archive.org/download/ehrinsights2june2011/EHR%20Insights%202%20%28June%202011%29.pdf...
the Open Government Licence v3.0. This licence does NOT cover: personal data in the Information; Information that has not been accessed by way of publication...
that coordinating data and design methods from current disparate sources would improve the initial early stage submarine design process. Improvements achieved...
(draft) – Appendix A, annex A-3 Subtitle English: LOWRP draft revised PIR/EIS – LOWRP draft revised PIR/EIS engineering appendix annex A-1 Publisher English:...
Publication date 2001 Source http://www.legislation.gov.uk/id/eudn/2001/798 PDF: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/eudn/2001/798/pdfs/eudn_20010798_adopted_en.pdf...
A survey of standardization efforts of coded character sets for text processing ( ) Author Knoerdel, Joan E. Title A survey of standardization efforts...