10 Results found for "Dosya:De-Hufs.ogg".


DescriptionDe-Hufs.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Hufs IPA InfoField huːfs Language InfoField German Date 26 February 2021 Source...


DescriptionDe-Huf.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German term "Huf". Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin, Germany. Deutsch:...


DescriptionDe-huf.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "huf", IPA: /huːf/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from...

Dosya:Historic sketch of the monument erected in Washington city under the auspices of the American institute of homoæopathy (IA historicsketchof00bitt).pdf

D. Charles E Walton, M.D., Wilson A. S.mhh, M D. igcw. E. M. Keli.ogg, M.D. President. E. H. PoKTEi*. M.D. Origin and History 29 was the...

Dosya:Wym-hüf (wersja Józefa Gary).ogg

DescriptionWym-hüf (wersja Józefa Gary).ogg Polski: Wymowa terminu hüf w języku wilamowskim wg Józefa Gary. Głosu użyczył Józef Gara. Deutsch: Aussprache von hüf auf...

Dosya:Geschichte der Medicin und ihrer Lehranstalten in Strassburg vom Jahre 1497 bis zum Jahre 1872. Der 58. Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte in Strassburg, 18.-22. September 1885 (IA geschichtedermed00wieg).pdf

ra. „„ Lp» in* CC^wnr^' . Hunnberge felicitet C ^rt44wn4 o(1t«r^ ogg?it>»tant et me&idne boctorem pariflis multiplicata 2lnno 1495. vtunwftinu*<»bflomanuTcr...

Dosya:The Alpine Chronicle 1877-01-20 (IA cammlsmh 000090).pdf

^NCISeO, CAL. Gold And Silver I President, J VSTON. Jr., . Superintendent. 1 ogg, Hewston ds Co;l JAMES MUNS SLL, JR., GENERAL INSURA ICE,BROKER. LIFE,...

Dosya:Il popolo - organo della Democrazia friulana 93 (1884) (IA Ilpopolo-93-1884).pdf

rafora Daf Matcollegi di ipordature.LOL iii i’ e %e© Tffaicaatei di si ogg “ie” Musicaali: ‘soelitissimi:=-' ‘delle’ Vinci; siti È i i È: CI stodi...

Dosya:Il Nuovo Friuli - organo Partito progressista 146 (1877) (IA IlNuovoFriuli-146-1877).pdf

Agsbciazione: Dermacr alica . Srielana: 0. Parigi, 18. SEFendi che da “Caniora atta”ogg ‘a 15 Absocinzidne Denmotratia: Fritilana, ‘’raccotinsi.’ un volo di afiueia...