10 Results found for "Dosya:De-ORF.ogg".


DescriptionDe-ORF.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German abbreviation "ORF", IPA: /oːɛʁˈɛf/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from...


DescriptionDe-at-ORF.ogg Deutsch: Aussprache des Wortes "ORF" in Österreichischem Deutsch. Männlicher Sprecher aus dem Osten Österreichs English: Pronunciation...

Dosya:The Week (Brisbane), front page of first issue, 1 January 1876.pdf

papers plcaso copy. the* 29th instnnt, at FERGUSON—GRAY.-On the Rev. Charles Ogg, William, eldest rcsidoncooftho of 8outh Brisbane, Into son of Mr. James...

Dosya:A new practical and easy method of learning the Danish and Norwegian languages.djvu

translation The fourth line the English translation. Ulven og Hunden Odlven ogg hodnnen Wolf the and dog the The wolf and the dog. En Ulv, den dummeste...

Dosya:A new practical and easy method of learning the Danish and Norwegian languages .. (IA newpracticaleasy00lundrich).pdf

translation The fourth line the English translation. Ulven og Hunden Odlven ogg hodnnen Wolf the and dog the The wolf and the dog. En En A A Ulv, den...

Dosya:Kurzgefasste beschreibung der stadt New-York (IA kurzgefasstebesc01newy).pdf

3lufmerffamfeit ^and;eö entgangen, worüber ibm biefer $lßegweifer burd; 91ew=g?orf 5luffd;lug gibt» ^öorjugöweife ij^ iebod[) bem Sleifenben unb gremben ein...

Dosya:Historische Novellen - (IA historischenovel11hilt).pdf

ber ^octor feinen "^Dienern 6efa^)^, bie Seber- nun ^uerft jiüei i:)orf;änge ju öffnen, jungen gli^en t)on faft (Scbioarj fonberBarften Sie...

Dosya:Breve over de Mosaiske Skrifter og Philosophie (IA breveoverdemosai00jeru).pdf

Breve over de Mosaiske Skrifter og Philosophie   (  ) Author Jerusalem, pseud Title Breve over de Mosaiske Skrifter og Philosophie Publisher Gyldendals...

Dosya:Zeitschrift des Harz-Vereins für Geschichte und Altertumskunde (IA zeitschriftdeshavol2pt2harz).pdf

v^ierabirürbigung beffclben liauptfadjltd) nad) benfelben geführte ^er^ogg unb unb geführt mürbe, unb glaubbaft 2(ften be^b^i'^ entbaltenen ibre...

Dosya:Pars secunda de scientia Dei media, seu respiciente obiectum contingens conditionatum (IA A332009).pdf

Pars secunda de scientia Dei media, seu respiciente obiectum contingens conditionatum   (  ) Title Pars secunda de scientia Dei media, seu respiciente...