DescriptionDe-ritz ein.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField ritz ein IPA InfoField ˌʁɪt͡s ˈaɪ̯n Language InfoField German Date 27 May 2021...
was no official confirm ation of the | fo rn ia av en u e to M rs. M. E. F ritz of B ro th e rs ’ T ra n s fe r C om pany says th e rep o rt th a t the E...
Checking Accounts. E. B. G rier, w ho h a s been v isit in g h is cousin, F ritz A dam , h a s le ft to go back to h is post w ith th e N a tio n a l G u...
drive was served by th e lad ies of th e G lendale L u th e ran Church. Mr. Ogg, ch airm an of sp eak ers, was in his usual happy fram e of mind and made...