DescriptionFlag map of the Russian SFSR (1956–1991).svg Flag map of Russian SFSR (1954–1991) Date 13 February 2011, 06:56 (UTC) Source Flag_of_Russian_SFSR.svg Flag-map_of_Russia...
English FLAG of Russian SFSR Yakut Flag of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (1954–1991) Amharic это государственный флаг РСФСР с 1954г...
An alternate version of the flag of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, using a darker shade of blue on the left instead of light blue....
versions Flag map of the Russian SFSR (1945–1954).svg Flag map of the Russian SFSR (1954).svg Flag map of the Russian SFSR (1954–1956).svg Flag map of the Russian...