to the flags of the Kazakh SSR. English Flag of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (1953–1991), Flag of Kazakhstan (16 December 1991–4 June 1992) Malay...
DescriptionFlag of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (1953–1991); Flag of Kazakhstan (1991–1992) (2-3).svg English: Flag of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic...
English Flag of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (reverse)...
DescriptionFlag of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (1953–1991); Flag of Kazakhstan (1991–1992) (2-3, reverse).svg English: Reverse side of the flag of the Kazakh...
English Flag of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic (1973–1991), Flag of Turkmenistan (27 October 1991–19 February 1992)...
DescriptionFlag map of the Kazakh SSR (1953–1991), Flag map of Kazakhstan (1991–1992).svg Flag map of Kazakh SSR 1953—1991 Date 11 February 2011, 00:33...