{{Information |Beschreibung = Logo von [[GamePro]] |Quelle = Mit Inkscape extrahiert aus [http://download.gamestar.de/public/59800/59899/Mediadaten_GS_GP_Print_2012...
battletech logo |Quelle = http://www.seeklogo.com/files/T/Touchstone_Pictures-vector-logo-0A1F679CE6-seeklogo.com.zip |Urheber = FanPro LLC / Catalyst Game Labs...
(File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-eo.svg); Planemad por origina versio kaj Marek Mazurkiewicz por Esperanta versio (File:Wikidata-logo-eo.svg); origina bildo de Fondaĵo...
or more of the official logos or designs used by the Wikimedia Foundation or by one of its projects. Use of the Wikimedia logos and trademarks is subject...