Logo implementation at Gosper-Kurve. #!/bin/perl use Math::Trig; # SVG Gosper curve generator by Blotwell # Released under GFDL my $x=500, $y=2500, $a=90;...
Math::Trig; # SVG Gosper curve generator by Blotwell # Released under GFDL my $x=500, $y=2500, $a=90; my $ln=100; printf <<HEREDOC, $x,$y; <svg xmlns="http://www...
program requires the following package, which can be obtained here. << MathWorld`Fractal` CurveArray[GosperIsland,{4,4},1000,ImageSize->500] English...
This program requires the following package, which be obtained here. << MathWorld`Fractal` CurveArray[GosperIsland,{4,4},1000,ImageSize->500] English...