DescriptionH1N1 Portugal map.svg English: Confirmed deaths Confirmed cases Suspect cases No cases Español: Muertes Casos confirmados Casos...
A map of the infected countries of the H1N1 flu of 2009. confirmed death and infections confirmed infections unconfirmed infections The map can...
choice. This image is a derivative work of the following images: File:H1N1_Brazil_RS_Map.png licensed with Cc-by-2.5, Cc-by-2.5, GFDL, GFDL 2009-06-26T22:48:39Z...
choice. This image is a derivative work of the following images: File:H1N1_map.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0, GFDL 2009-11-04T20:24:33Z Jklamo...
DescriptionH1N1 Oceania Map.svg English: Map about the 2009 A (H1N1) flu outbreak in Oceania death confirmed confirmed cases unconfirmed cases Español:...
DescriptionH1N1 Brazil SC Map.svg English: A map of the municipalities infected with influenza A H1N1 in Santa Catarina, Brazil. confirmed death and...
DescriptionH1N1 Oceania map by confirmed deaths.svg Português: Sem mortes Mais de 1 morte Mais de 5 mortes Mais de 10 mortes Mais de 50 mortes...
DescriptionH1N1 Brazil RS map by confirmed cases.svg English: Map of the number of confirmed cases in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 5000+ confirmed cases...
DescriptionH1N1 Brazil RS map by confirmed deaths.svg English: Map of the number of confirmed deaths in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 0 deaths suspected...
DescriptionH1N1 Brazil RS Map.png English: A map of the municipalities infected with influenza A H1N1 in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. confirmed death and...