DescriptionMareca penelope female wing.jpg 日本語: 羽繕い中のヒドリガモ のメス(緋鳥鴨、学名:Mareca penelope Linnaeus, 1758 )、名古屋城の外掘にて English: Eurasian Wigeon (Mareca penelope), femle...
DescriptionAnas penelope male wing.JPG 日本語: 羽繕い中のヒドリガモのオス(緋鳥鴨、学名:Anas penelope Linnaeus, 1758 )、藤前干潟にて English: Eurasian Wigeon (Anas penelope), male preening...
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bleu. English : Couple of Anas penelope. Male upperside (red head with cream band, white spot on front wing); female lowerside. Both sexes have short...
Cinnamon Teal.56. Green-winged Teal. 55. Mallard. PL ATI-: XIV Text Appearing After Image: 1<I\KK-1)LCKS. 59. Widgeon (Female).61. SpriK-tail, or Pintail...
cuneate. 116 anatim:. Text Appearing After Image: MARECA. 117 963. Mareca penelope. The Wigeon or Whew. Penelope) nrjveXo^ = a kind of Duck with purple stripes...
feathers, acute. Hind toe small, having a narrow web. WIDGEON. Mareca Penelope, Selby.Anas Penelope, Linn.Le Canard siffleur. Of the many species of the Duck...
of female Sprigtail, nat. size. 209. (192.) Chaulelasmus streperus (Linn.) Gray. Gray Duck ; Gad wall.Common winter resident. L HI 210. (—.) Mareca penelope...