DescriptionMcKinley Prosperity (cropped).jpg English: Campaign poster showing William McKinley holding U.S. flag and standing on gold coin "sound money"...
Restoration by me. English Polish Plakat kampanijny przedstawiający Williama McKinleya trzymającego amerykańską flagę i stojącego na złotej monecie „zdrowego...
Sim new-mcclures-magazine 1902-09 19 5 (page 71 crop).jpg...
Kentucky - Blue Grass Bourbon and Boone's Knoll Sour Mash Whiskey" ad - Pacific wine and spirit review (IA pwsr3861897241897sanfrich) (page 11 crop).jpg...
Description"McKinley" detail, from- "All aboard for the millennium!" - Opper and Keppler. LCCN2012648532 (cropped) (cropped).jpg English: Title: "All aboard...
Joseph Duffey, State Magazine 1997-06- Iss 406 (IA sim state-magazine 1997-06 406) (page 6 crop).jpg...
Harriet Sophia Phillips v14 (page 695 crop).jpg...
This file has an extracted image: Joseph Simon from Pacific Monthly v1.jpg....
This file has an extracted image: Charles Simon Barrett (page 438 crop).jpg....
Gresham" - "Austin Hill Young" - "Charles Dick" from The biographical encyclopedia of the United States .. (IA biographicalency00chic) (page 20 crop).jpg....